Tuesday, July 10, 2012

An Unusual King

The king was ornate with gold and silver. He looked ludicrous with all this metal on his body. Standing on the precipice, he was about to commit suicide. Neither his capacious palace came to his help nor did his sanctimonious orders have the might to bear the tumult of the impoverished people. He did try to ameliorate the standard of living of the commoners, but to no avail.

The people considered him impious, as he had desecrated the holy temples in the region. The nation was highly orthodox, and wasn’t ready to exonerate the king for this act. It had ossified it’s believe about him, and suggested to truncate his head. Many people were lukewarm about this idea. The people's leader precluded this idea and the people capitulated to his command.

The king was a lummox with a big tummy. He ate luscious mangos while his despondent nation slept hungry. The hunger had turned them into a sanguinary beast, who wanted the ousted king to be like his predecessor. This indifference was inadvertent from the king; he was a tyro in administrating people. He had appointed honourable chiefs from amongst the nation to take care of the people. Few of them were expatriates, but in general, they were amiable locals. The chiefs used to practice exorcism. They mostly answered impromptu to the public that was suffering from turpitude of necessities. The king had sanctioned grants for the well being of the nation, but mostly it got into the hands of these corrupt chiefs. The precocious chiefs knew how to handle the nation, but the King failed to comprehend this.

The chiefs would recite some incantation to drive the people fool. They would castigate the evil demons, lynched people by declaring them blasphemers, incarcerate thieves and wrong-doers, and sometimes deter punishment for the poor to show their power. This culture of 'discipline and punishment' was ubiquitous. This drama made an illusion of expedite justice. It acted as a Catharsis in an overwrought society where unalloyed misery sardonically grappled their daily lives. Preeminent nobles played with the commoner’s faith through religio-political machination.

Such caustic cacophony had made the people amorphous. They had lost self-confidence, and were forced to visit these chiefs even for petty reasons. They used to extol them, begged them for analgesics, incessantly worshipped such prescient Savants, and magnanimously gave charity to these demigods. This practice was analogous to the Egyptian cults where only the mighty had the prerogative of being praised. Analogous to the Egyptians, the poor was born to die.

Meanwhile, the King scaled to the top in a cavalcade. There, he gave a poignant speech:

"O my nation! I was always a scapegoat, and now I'm going to die. I always had this presentiment. Today, I want to give a small message to you all: I can't underscore the importance of justice for a nation. It is the only palliative to anarchy. It is the only palliative to stop devoured and magnates from committing excess. Extradite all evil-doers! Don't incline towards your chiefs! And foster amity between yourselves!"

With this the King plummeted from the cliff.

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